suspected workers compensation fraud claim

Worker's Compensation Surveillance – Detecting Fraud

Our owner Ken Childs started in the industry performing worker’s compensation surveillance and taking statements. Today, the level of difficulty when performing surveillance has changed. We can’t simply park across the street and follow someone to work anymore. These days, people are hyper-aware of their surroundings, and have a baseline knowledge of surveillance from their attorneys and the doctors their attorneys send them to. It doesn’t help that the claimant can easily research investigations through YouTube videos, books on counter surveillance, and all the information provided on the deep, dark web.

Today’s approach to worker’s compensation surveillance should be performed with caution and care. If time permits, we do as much background research on the subject as possible, and hopefully find out if they are working or on vacation. This info will give us a good idea as to how to start the surveillance.

From Beverly Hills to Pasadena to the most extreme neighborhoods of Los Angeles, each case is different. Beverly Hills has its own challenges because no one but the “help” parks on the street. The dangerous streets of Los Angeles have ample parking, but everyone is suspicious of drug dealers, gang members, or simply the investigator’s vehicle not belonging to anyone they know on the street.

We’ve Seen It All Before

A perfect example of how sensitive cases are today. We recently worked a police officer who was out on a workers compensation claim. He is 35 years old, has 6 kids, owns a home in the desert, and yet is trying to become the next Hollywood stunt man! What a mess! So it’s is clear to us that owning a home, having a wife who doesn’t work, and caring for 6 kids, that he is working. To add insult to injury, he has pictures of himself online where he is clearly built! So not only is he, in all likelihood, working, but he is also weight training!

Clearly, this is a job for Paramount Investigative Services and their team of workers compensation surveillance experts! We deployed two investigators and parked approximately one mile from the home while the second investigator layed in the desert covered in camouflage. We observed the subject and wife depart the residence. Though he drove like he was acting out a stunt scene, we were able to follow them 70 miles away to a festival in down town Los Angeles.

kid on dads shoulders

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Investigator watching monitors

Gathering Videotape Evidence

On this day, we gathered videotape evidence of him standing for long periods of time, bending, stooping, and picking his wife up while hugging her! What a day!

In the afternoon, we also observed a parking pass in the center console of his car. This parking pass belonged to a strip mall that had a 24-hour gym. The gym website had images of the subject and his wife working out at 4am! The following surveillance periods we were able to get videotape evidence of the subject working out! Case closed…. (For now)

Imagine what would have happened on this case if you sent in lesser experienced surveillance team? They would have parked within the small cul-de-sac and waited for his departure. They wouldn’t have made it as far as the freeway without blowing it!

Experience Counts

Our team of investigators has seen it all. We’ve followed people to work just after they told the doctors that they can not work. We’ve located a homeless person in Santa Monica who was in a wheelchair. We got video of him jumping out of his wheelchair and later selling it! We’ve followed people into gyms and got them working out. We’ve had high stakes cases where we were able to get them playing golf for five hours. We’ve followed people into junk yards and work on cars. We have also filmed a claimant push a midsize car down the street 100 yards out of traffic!

You never know what you’re going to get. What is your subject up to? Working? Staying in or going out at night?

Hire an experienced team of worker’s compensation surveillance investigators today. Call Paramount Investigative services to get your case started.


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